Embrace Parisian style in your indian wardrobe| The key is minimalism and we push you to step out of your comfort zone
The Parisian sense of style is all about minimalism. An Indian style, on the other hand, is a carnival of our boisterous spirit. Combine the two and you get the heady combination of tiramisu with jalebi; an attack on the senses and a hole in the norm! To get you started, we have distilled a few looks and the result is nothing short of wonderfully outrageous.
Never judge a woman by her shoe | The height of comfort lies at the bottom. Practice this fashion commandment by going for the very Parisian easy-to-wear and ‘easy-to-unwear’ ballet flats, elegant brogues, kitten heels and loafers. Use them to delightful effect along with a knee-length collared kurti (buttoned at the top) and a printed salwar. Complete the look by wearing a chunky “bandhgala” necklace and get ready to challenge the French in what they pride themselves best!
White jeans for the desi girl | Parisians are known for their love for neutrals. White especially gets them going. Keeping in line with the sentiment, choose from a skinny, flared or boyfriend jeans and get ready to write your own fashion fairytale. To add the Indian element pair your whites with a midriff exposing, puff-sleeve blouse. Complete your look with a moon-size vintage nose-ring (“nathani”) and get ready to own the city.
”Keep the style simple. You can do it!”
Wear the mini to maximum effect | Paris is going through a revival period of the sixties fashion. And A-line minis can be seen all over the fashionable city. To make them rule the Indian streets, pair them with a silver/golden sequin blouse with a cutesy pocket on one side. Pair your ensemble with a large vintage clutch and our very own Kolhapuri flats.
Less is more with a jacket | Summer or winter, ask a Parisian lady (provided you catch her in a good mood) and she’ll tell you how a light jacket saved her arms from an excessive tan or made a pair of throwable hot pants wear-worthy again. Just like her you too can ressurect an old cotton ankle-length skirt by pairing it with a jacket. You can also team it up with a plain or printed “Patiala” and rev up your street style like never before. And don’t forget to wear glass bangles right up to the elbow!
Mess up that mop | The Parisian lass’s ruffled, bedroom hair look is, in fact, planned dexterously to appear careless and self-absorbed. It’s actually fun and can be daring too if you wear a plain, nude-colored saree in a fitting contrast to the mess on top! Now, that’s tradition for you, the modern way.
That’s the thing about fashion; you have the liberty to do anything! Go for the Pari-Indi style and we are sure you’ll make unforgettable memories.
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